My very best works all displayed on one simple webpage! Right? Well, partly right. Personally I feel like I could always show you better works at any given moment. So! Are you curious wether or not these beauties bellow are up-to-date? Contact me! I bet I could show you something new and cool!

Custom Illustration

Day-in Day-out I’m creating content sometimes wondering where it went. As a designer you create an illustration. You are probably gonna see and use it a lot and make it adaptable to every customer or case. This creates a familiarity and also leaves with a fast delivery result. 

SogetiLabs Animation

SogetiLabs, the new innovation department of Sogeti is being established in april 2020. To let our customers and colleagues know about our existance as well as inform them about our services, we decided to make a short animation telling our story. 


Image Design Ignation Website

My current job at Ignation is challenging me to take on a new design perspective. Working together with creative professionals from different kinds of disciplines I get to create cool images, designs and animations for the Ignation website. 

Logo Design Lovith

Starting as a student project, Guido and Vincent made a product to help sick kids in hospitals have a better stay. They wanted to have a logo and brand book. Looking for a design that’s easy with a ‘business’ appearance, they decided on a combination of their names as a base for the logo design.

Opening Jumbo Foodmarkt Tilburg

On 24th of October 2018 the promotoion for the new Jumbo Foodmarkt in Tilburg starts. While the new employees are promoting, the store is being build. Starting out as a empty block of cement, we see the store come together and form a beautiful Foodmarkt. Follow the process in this video.  

Documentary 9/11

11 September 2001. The world is shocked by multiple terrorist attacks on the United States of America. But are the events that happened an act of terrorism or is it all an inside job carefully planned by other parties? In this documentary we speak with different persons about conspiracy theories and what might be the actual truth behind the 9/11 events. 

Logo Animation

Even before I started working at Ignation in 2019, I my portfolio was very shallow. I was asked about my skills, but had no proof to back-up my words. So, Ignation asked me to proof my skills by giving me one week to make a logo animation that was suitable, and related to the way of working, for the company. I visualised my view of the design proces. Starting out with ideas, making sketches, iterating and perfecting those sketches etc. To finally come to a final product. This animation is the reason my career started at Ignation. 

Experimental Animation

To keep evolving my skills I always keep practising and learning new things. This is one of my latest animation experiments. In this video I explored using Grain, new Masking Techniques and Blending Modes. Other effects used are Glow, Compound Blurs and Turbulent Displacements. 

(The Japanese text are google translated. I’m not sure if it says ‘Soup’ or ‘Fish Sandwich’).